Profix DD Powder Dyestuff Dissolving System 

Enmos powder dyestuff dissolving system Profix DD ensures that the right weighed powder paints are dissolved in the right amount, at the appropriate temperature and conditions. With this system, powder coating helps the dyeing process to take place in the most accurate way.

 Solving process; It is made in a short time and without errors with the solution tank, its structure and the mixer with a special working system. With the right amount of water and temperature control, the desired quality of paint is reliably dissolved and sent to the machines with a single line technology.

The dissolving tank is supplied as single or double to meet the customer's needs. These tanks have a capacity of 150, 270, 350, 450, 750 liters and are specially polished inside and require minimal cleaning. In this way and with the movable washing balls used, they are cleaned in a very short time.

The system has been designed to work in integration with manual powder coating weighing and control devices.

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